AutoMail v.1.3 One-click emails from Windows Explorer! Copyright (c) Alchemy Lab, 1999 AutoMail is a small utility, that will help you sending files via email. Create a folder under "Program Files" and unzip there all AutoMail files. After that, run AutoMail application to invoke it self-install. When run first time, AutoMail will ask you for information (SMTP server address, your e-mail address, etc) that it needs to work. When all the required information will be entered, AutoMail self-install will exit. Since that time you can send any file(s) directly from Windows Explorer with one mouse click. To send files, please select them in Windows Explorer, click the right mouse button and choose "Send To | A friend" menu item, type recipient's email address and click the "Send" button. To reduce the size of installation package (and simplify your life when downloading AutoMail) we decided not to include runtime DLLs that AutoMail require to run. If you do not have them (and AutoMAil cannot start) - you are welcome to download them from my homepage or one of it's mirrors. Thank you for your interest. Serge Sushko, Alchemy Lab, President